To our friends -
We wanted to inform everyone of the recent developments concerning Sarah. We first want to say thank you for praying for us and Sarah. We feel the support and we are truly blessed by it all. Thank you for the emails and the phone calls, the cards. We love to hear from people. Don't hesitate to call us. It's great to be able to share what God is doing. So thank you. We feel loved.
So how is Sarah? She is doing great! We had a doctors visit today and the doctor said her little heart is beating at the rate it should be. He said with surprise: "There's a lot of momentum in this child!" Praise God for that! So that is good to hear. We are not suprised. We told him that there's a lot of prayer going out for her.
Jen is beginning to put on weight which hasn't been the case for the last so many months, so that's good. The growth of her uterus is where it should be. Jen's heart and mind are also in a most amazing place. I'm so proud of her in how she's been responding to all of this. It's been a great encouragement to me.
So we are standing on what God has been speaking to us. We feel pregnant with promise. I've been keeping an online journal that people are welcome to look in on if they would like to. I've been writing on there some of things we have been hearing from Jesus concerning this situation with Sarah. We've been learning a lot through all of this. What we began experiencing from the Father that following day after receiving the news about Sarah has continued to grow deeper and stronger. We feel His wonderful favor and joy on our lives right now. We really are overwhelmed on days with His goodness. We feel the support of our praying friends and family. And we feel that there is something from God for all of us in this situation. We so want to share what we are coming to know in this with all of you. So the blog/journal is apart of sharing what we are experiencing so people that aren't living here with us can tune in and see what God is doing. The journey is all about Him. I've also posted some pictures that my sister Laura has been put together with the scriptures that God's been speaking to us through. She's an incredible artist and lover of God and lover of all of His creations. Most all the photos she has taken some with her beautiful black horses.
The address for the blog is:
The other event that's significant to mention is that a couple days following the news of Sarah's condition our landlords came by the house giving us a thirty day notice to get out of our cabin. They have some aversion to children for when they found out we were pregnant a couple of months ago, they asked us to leave the cabin before giving birth. So we moved out the next week after they came by with the notice.
So now we are living in a back mother-in-law unit that our friends Dave and Bunny Koppa have made available to us. They have been a true blessing, and our living situation right now is very comfortable. We love being here with them. It's been a real gift in the midst of this. So we are thankful to be here.
Other than that we are learning about what impossible situations mean to God, and how much He loves them. So if you feel you are facing impossibilities, know that there is a God who relishes in being welcomed into situations that seem at the edge of hope. He is a miracle working God with immeasureable amounts of joy. We are standing in that wonderful current drinking in His goodness. Thank you again for praying for us. Bless you.
Joseph and Jennifer
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