Monday, January 14, 2008

Initial Shock Wave...

To all our friends...

Hello to everyone. Jen and I wanted to inform you of the recent developments taking place in our lives right now. Most of you know we are expecting our first child somewhere around the end of May. We are presently entering our sixth month and had our first ultra-sound on Monday to find out the sex of our child. During the ultra-sound, the doctor gave us some shocking news. Here is the news from the doctors perspective(as they understand it):

Our child supposedly has what is called Trisomy 18 and Trisomy 13, both fatal diseases. These are basically development problems caused by an extra chromosome at the point of conception. The problem is not caused by genetics, diet or anything related to our lives. It's a fluke thing that happens rarely and no one is to blame for it.

This is generally what happens: When the cells begin multiplying at the beginning of development the extra genetic material causes imperfect forming of the baby. Things get mixed up and the baby can have problems from top to bottom. It can affect all the internal organs, the brain, the heart and the extremities. They are saying our child is without major valves in the heart. The brain has severe hydrocephalus as well. We don't know in detail the extent of the problems as they see it, and we don't need to know. We know enough. Doctors predict she will most likely die in utero. If by chance she does make it to birth, she would not have the ability to survive without the support of Jen's body. So in essence she has been given a
death sentence.

As difficult as that is to say, it is not not the last word on the situation. God will have the last word on her life. Let us first tell
you what our little princess's name is: her name is Sarah Elizabeth Dalton. Jen has had numerous dreams about her, even before we got pregnant, and it seems this is the name God has given her.

We want to say, we are incredibly thankful for the gift of her life. We love our little Sarah and we are enjoying each day we have with her. We are greatly encouraged by the goodness of God in this situation and can honestly say, in spite of incredible odds stacked against us, we are walking in a beautiful joy and peace and hope that is truly supernatural. We are not down, or depressed or overwhelmed by the circumstances, we're actually really encouraged. We are enjoying God and Sarah in the midst of this, and we plan on doing so all the way to her first breath of life. We feel she is going to be fine, and we are resolved to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on what God is doing.

We must say the first few days were rough and terribly difficult to handle, but upon going to our Father and talking with him about Sarah, everything has changed. God is speaking to us and we are listening. He is asking us to simply take one day at a time and trust him for the outcome of her life. He is speaking life over her and so we are too. We are believing him for a miraculous turn around for Sarah. We are believing what He has to say about her life and not what the doctors are predicting.

There is a real, tangible, loving grace wrapped around us, causing us to believe everything is going to be alright. We know either way she will be born into our arms or into the arms of God, and we are at peace with whatever God decides. Please do not feel sorry for us or feel like we are to be pitied. Please don't. God has favored us in this situation and we are truly thankful to be given Sarah. We love her and feel that in this situation we are going to be blessed beyond what we could ask or think. His promises are true and we are seeing the goodness of God more alive than ever. Join with us in celebrating her life and celebrating the goodness of God.

We believe He has plans for her to come into our arms whole and perfectly healthy as God would intend her to be. Our faith is for healing. This is our appeal to you: to join us in fighting for life and for all that is good. Our starting place for taking this journey is knowing that we're already victorious. We have already won this race and that's why we are able to run it. God will not fail. Love never fails. Thank you for caring and thank you for praying. We are receiving from your prayers a bounty of treasure. Thank you so much and please be in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Take care,

Joseph and Jennifer (and Sarah Elizabeth)

1 comment:

Trisomy 13 Life with Natalia ~ Transformed by Love said...

I have a child with full trisomy 13 who is now 7 yrs old. There are many resources on the internet for support if you contact me I'd be happy to help you on this trisomy journey. You are not alone.
ThereseAnn mom to Natalia