Monday, June 15, 2009

The countdown is on!

Sooooo, great news - our little guy has officially flipped and has his head deep in my pelvis (yes, this is very comfortable...especially having to get up 5 times at night to pee)! I had a feeling it happened about a week ago, but I was still feeling such strong movement all over and wasn't sure where the heck he was. I'm definitely not one of those moms who can tell the arm from the leg from the butt...the only time I can really identify anything is when he gets his nightly case of the hickups and I can feel his little back moving up and down with each hickup.

The doctor's appointment was pretty entertaining - mostly because Joseph was there with me. We met with the PA instead of our doctor...and let me just say...this PA is not my favorite person in the world. She's freaked out on me on numerous occasions because I'm too small or too tall or this or that. It doesn't seem to matter how great the pregnancy is going, there's always something she can find to gripe about with me. Maybe I'm not her favorite person either. Or maybe she just lives in A LOT of fear.

Today's problem was that I didn't gain weight again (although by looking at the above picture it would sure appear so!) and that I'm still measuring too small for how far along we are. I asked if it could be because he's dropped, which means my uterus has dropped...which means the uterus could measure small. She didn't like my theory - I thought it sounded legit! Sooooo, she took it upon herself to play doctor and did an ultra sound to make sure there was enough amniotic fluid in there. I tried to crack a joke at this point, thought it might lighten the mood...she definitely wasn't into my joke. This is where the whole Joseph/entertaining thing comes along. He was sitting behind her making faces and doing little dances...definitely keeping a smile on my face :)

Anyway...ALL that to say, I feel bad for the lady. So thankful I know the peace of God, I can't imagine walking in such fear and anxiety all day long. I'm also thankful that she took it upon herself to do an ultra sound because it confirmed that the countdown really is here! It also confirmed why my ribs have been so banged up again...his little butt is pushed up right against them...I love this guy. I'm ready to meet him :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you Jen...I have been reading your blog for the last year! You have been through so much and now your new, exciting time with your son is almost here! You continue to be in my prayers...can't wait to hear the news of your little guy's arrival!