Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pregnancy brain has officially arrived...

Okay, so hopefully my profile is a bit cuter than Homer Simpson's...but nevertheless, you get the idea. My brain feels as if its slowly shrinking into a world of nothingness (is that a word?). I thought I was in the clear this time around, because our pregnancy with Sarah looked like the above photo the ENTIRE pregnancy! I would make lists to remember things and then forget about the lists. That's how bad it was. Joseph would do his best to bite his tongue when he came home from a long day of work to find that the 3 small things he asked me to do - would of course be left undone. Now hear me out. Part of that was due to my intimate relationship with the toilet. Yes, the toilet and I got very close last pregnancy. He often left for work as I was on the floor puking my brains out (maybe that's why our brains shrink!?) and then would find me in the same position when he came home 8hrs later. Oh the joy of 9 months of "morning" sickness. Ugh. This pregnancy has been different though...little throwing up has led (according to my new theory) to actually keeping my brains a bit longer! Ha.

So I'm officially in the third trimester now. Time flies when you're keeping your food in! 2/3rds of the way through...gosh, who would have thought! Last year at this time I was still carrying our sweet Friday is her 1 year birthday, its really hard to believe its been a year already. So much has happened in the last year. What's even crazier is that at the end of this pregnancy, I will have officially been pregnant 20 out of the last 24 months. That's insane. My poor body!! One positive aspect is that I'm not afraid of giving birth this time around. Nothing could be as painful and heartbreaking as the birth process last time around...all that pain and trauma and drawn out emotions...whew...I'll be happy to experience all the birth pain this time around with the final outcome a crying, chubby cheeked little guy. I can hardly wait. :)

So back to my original entry theme...pregnancy brain...see, I can't even write about it without getting side tracked and forgetting what I'm writing about! Just a few pregnancy brain (or as my friend put it: PIS - pregnancy induced stupidity) stories from the last week...

- Making dinner last week, I put the rice in the rice cooker like always and heard the "ding" indicating it was done waaaay faster than usual. My first thought was, wow...time really IS flying by! I discovered quickly that the rice actually was done....over done...because I had conveniently forgot to put the water in with it. I had prepared nicely heated and burnt smelling rice kernels ready for crunching on :)

- I planted some seeds last week in order to get some "starters" ready for spring planting. Lettuce, herbs, tomatoes...I can hardly wait...although I'll have to wait a little longer than normal because I planted the seeds and forgot a vital part of the process - water. They sat in nicely sunned soil for a good 3 or 4 days before I realized they weren't sprouting due to a lack of...ahem...water. Man, what's with me and water!?

- That reminds me....I've boiled water (again!?) on the stove at least 3 times, totally forgetting that I was boiling water. Come to find out later (after the water has all evaporated), that a little moisture in the air is actually great for my current allergy battle. Those were good "forgettings".

- There are so many more stories...but maybe one of the best was last night. I usually try and have dinner ready for Joseph every night when he gets home from work because he's always famished. If dinner isn't ready, our pantry doors will fly open and he'll start devouring anything and everything in sight until his belly is soon full of saltine crackers, corn chips and cereal. All very nutritious choices. :) Back to the story...last night he walked in the door to a wonderful house full of "baking" smells...he was so excited to see what it was I had created for dinner because again, he was starving! I was so proud to hand over a few dozen of his favorite oatmeal cookies...when he asked, "Wait, but what's for dinner?", I was a bit stunned...I had been so caught up in the after dinner dessert that I had altogether forgotten dinner itself! Gosh, at least that one didn't have to do with water...or did it?

- Okay...this last one is in honor of all those husbands living out the "sympathy pregnancy" symptoms. My husband has officially left the car keys to our beloved VW Vanagon in - yes, you guessed it - the ignition. Not once, not twice, but at least 4 times in the last couple months. Yesterday I was stuck at home because of these so called "lost keys". If only I didn't have pregnancy brain with him, or I would have remembered this bad little habit of his. I'm just thankful no one else has caught on to his bad habit or we may be absent of a very cool van :)

That's it for now. Third trimester here I come! If you think about us...pray that our (yes, Joseph too!) brains would begin to grow rather than shrink...otherwise we may forget we're pregnant all together!


Sylvia said...

Great stories! When little River is born, you'll suddenly find your brain and memory is totally focused again on caring for your two men. Forty years ago when I was first pregnant, I can remember thinking that making choices in the supermarket was the biggest decision ever. Take care

Hannah Harder said...

Hate to tell you but I think it just morphs from pregnant brain to mom brain. I asked everyone I knew if your memory comes back after the baby and they all just laughed. My midwives said your brain actually shrinks, but I am skeptical.