Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Waiting to faith! (from Jen)

A friend of ours gave us a cd last week with the most beautiful song on it. She went through the loss of a child in her womb and found hope and comfort in this she passed it along to us in this season of walking through impossible situations! Joseph and I have been listening to it daily, letting the faith within us grow. Allowing our hearts to remember daily that God is truly in control of this situation and that all we can do is posture our hearts in a place of faith and simply wait.

We're in a waiting period right now...a holding pattern over the runway below us...we're waiting on many things. We're believing that Sarah's life will truly be a sign and a wonder to this world of unbelief. March 7th marks exactly 2 months since we received the original also marks the day that we go back to the man who gave us the news for a second ultra sound. He's the local expert and had advised us it was best to probably abort because there wasn't hope of her living much longer. It will be two months. She has grown, her heart is strong and her feet and arms are moving like crazy. We're praying for the next two weeks leading up to the appointment, that God would allow this doctor to see the improvements and healing taking place in Sarah's life and be drawn to the glory of God. Like Joseph has said over and over...this is bigger than us, its bigger than's about His glory being revealed. I wrote out the lyrics to the song below because I wanted to share with you the power of agreement...agreeing with us and agreeing with God that Sarah will be healed...that Sarah will truly be a sign and a wonder to this world of unbelief, to this world of hopelessness. It's a bit repetitive, but until I can figure out a way to put the song up on this page for you to listen to, this is the best I can do:

Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.
Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.

Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.
Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.

And even though the enemy tried to put you out.
And even though the enemy tried to snuff you out.
And even though the enemy tried to abort your destiny...
He will not succeed.

Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.
Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.

Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.
Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.

Your life will be a sign and a wonder.
A testimony of the faithfulness of God.
Your life will be a sign and a wonder.
A testimony of the faithfulness of God.

Let faith be born into a world of disbelief.
Let faith be born into a world,
Into a world of faithlessness
Into a world of hopelessness
Let faith be born

Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.
Little Faith, little baby come forth.
You will live and not die thus says the Lord.

And even though the enemy tried to snuff you out.
And even thou the enemy tried to abort your destiny...
He will not succeed.

Your life will be a sign and a wonder.

Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.
Faith, is the assurance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things unseen.

The heart of the Father will be heard.
The heart of the Father will be heard.

Let the little children come to Me.
Even if nobody wants them, I do.
Let the little children come to Me.
Even if nobody wants them, I do.

If your father forsook you.
If your mother never comforted you.
I have the kingdom for you,
I've prepared a place for you.
And its deep within My heart.

So let the little children come to Me,
Even if nobody wants them, I do.
Let the little children come to Me,
Even if nobody wants them, I do.

If your father forsook you.
If your mother never comforted you.
I have the kingdom for you,
I've prepared a place for you,
And its deep within My heart.

I want you.
I want you.
I want you.

I want you.
I want you.
I want you.

You're accepted not rejected
You're loved and not despised.
You're accepted not rejected.
You're loved and not despised.

I'm calling you.
I'm calling you.

Little children....

You're accepted not rejected.
You're loved and not despised.

And mothers and fathers hear My heart.
And mothers and fathers hear My heart.

So let the little children come to Me,
Even if nobody wants them, I do.
Let the little children come to Me,
Even if nobody wants them, I do.

Let them come...

(Please continue to pray with us for the complete healing of little Sarah...she's fighting for her life and I want to continue to fight with her. Thank you!!)

1 comment:

Camille said...

wow, that was so diligent of you to write that whole song. pretty awesome... the picture of faith and what it means. i am in awe of this journey you (we all in some way) are on watching Sarah's wonderful life unfold... very encouraging.