Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby Dalton #2

At the beginning of the month we had our 3 month ultra sound for little Dalton #2 and it went great. It never fails that on the way to the doctor my stomach gets tied into knots and I feel like I'm going to lose whatever I just ate! Every doctor appointment with Sarah was stressful and hard. We'd pray and prepare our hearts just to go in, knowing that it most likely wouldn't be good news. We chose to stay in a place of hope, knowing God was bigger...but the reality of disappointment is still real. Its funny, because my heart went into this particular doctor appointment really excited and hopeful, but its as if my body knows just by the route we're driving that we're about to embark on another dreaded doctor day. Ha.

It was a little disappointing because most of the appointment was spent talking about the last pregnancy and the chances of that happening again, etc. We know that what Sarah had wasn't genetic, but we also know that bad things happen - its just life...and just because it happened to us once, doesn't mean it can't happen again. So in the midst of hope, we're also being real. Don't get me wrong, we're not expecting anything to be wrong...we're just living life and taking it day by day...and let me tell you, we are extremely thankful for each day :)

It was such a relief to see our little one on the ultra sound when the time finally came. It was a quick encounter, but definitely worth the wait! He/she was all curled up in fetal position and at one point had his/her hand resting on his cheek. Too cute! (okay, the whole "his/her" thing is too hard, or maybe I'm just lazy...haha, but we have a hunch its a boy so I'll just go with that!) The picture above isn't the greatest - its a picture from below you're looking at the back of his head on the left, then the back of the little shoulders and then his back...the legs and arms are tucked in. I know, not super exciting....but I wanted to share it with you anyway! You all have been such an encouragement and a support to us in this season. I love knowing that we're not alone...and each time I see a comment I'm shocked that people are actually still reading this! Our little Sarah is still living on in our hearts and I'm thankful to keep this page going as well. I know she's probably excited to be sharing it now with her little sibling to come :)

A few things I'm especially excited for this time around:
1. Baby showers!!
2. Actually registering for baby stuff
3. Being able to relate with other pregnant moms in their excitement
4. Preparing our house for a baby and not having to put it all away after the big day
5. Taking the baby stuff out of the closet...every time I walk by this particular closet I get a bit sad knowing that all these precious baby clothes and gifts are stuffed away.
6. Hearing our little one cry...just thinking about it makes me cry!
7. The joy of breast feeding and not having to endure the pain of letting my milk dry up like last time...
8. And finally...leaving the hospital with a child in my arms, wow...what a gift that will be


Sylvia said...

Sarah - I'm just SO thrilled and thankful to see that scan. I'm praying along with you for this little one and for you as you prepare. This is a different journey for you. The Lord bless you so much.

Ander said...

I keep up on The Sarah Pages ALL the time, and have wanted to leave comments so often, but I always get sad at writing them instead of telling you in person. Even though it's your personal space to share publicly about your daughter, I always felt weird intruding my comments into it. But now I know, from this post, that they bring you joy! I'm thinking I'm not the only one who felt this way, so you should, in your imagination, multiply your comment numbers by a lot. =)

All that to say, yay for Baby Dalton! Sounds like he is quite cozy in your belly. I am SO happy (to tears!) for you and Joseph to get to experience all that is on your list and much more. Sarah sure knows how to take care of her younger siblings - they will be so appreciated, even when they are wailing like boomboxes.

Bonnie Janelle said...

Jen: I read every one of your blogs, they are incredible and moving and inspiring. I tend to not leave comments because if I don't know what to say I say nothing, but I write today just to tell you that I am thankful for yours and Joseph's open hearts and both your willingness to share your lives - you, Joseph, Sarah, and Baby Dalton #2 - with us. Thank you. =)

The Clays said...

Praise the Lord! That is the most beautiful picture. Love ya!

Nathalie said...

What a beautiful post! I am sooo happy for you and Joseph and cannot wait to hear more about the life growing in you. What a miracle! Keep those thoughts and stories coming! We are praying for you.
love to you three! :)

Jessica said...

What a precious picture! I'm so happy for you guys and my heart is soaring on the wings of your hope. I love reading your blog - what you've shared here has had a profound impact on my spiritual life and on my life as a mother. Thank you both for your honesty and for your words in this space. Love you guys, and can't wait to meet that little one!