Tuesday, March 11, 2008

28 weeks of life with Sarah, and more to come

The amazing "growing belly"!

We've reached 28 weeks now...can't believe how fast time has flown by the last 2 months since we received the diagnosis. I'm loving being pregnant and am feeling more and more connected to little Sarah every day. I love waking up to her kicking feet and imagining her snuggled up napping in my womb later in the day...so amazing. I've been playing lots of music for her and she seems to kick a lot more when her daddy is around...she loves his voice :) She's still breeched, but has a few more weeks to turn around...its actually been nice having her little hands up above punching me in the ribs, rather than her strong little legs! She's quite the fighter...beating all odds and proving the doctors wrong.

Last friday was such a shock - we weren't shocked by the news, we were prepared for that, but I wasn't prepared for the attitude of the doctor. Again he encouraged aborting our little girl...I had a hard time understanding how he could look up at the computer screen and see Sarah's beautiful face on there and STILL have that word "abort" come out of his mouth. It's sad to see how medicine has moved into a place of disposable life, where a child is no longer a child but simply an object inside my womb that can be disposed of. If something isn't perfect - they feel its okay to just discard it. Our prayers have been that God's glory would be revealed to the medical world surrounding us right now - that they would see that miracles still do happen and that God is a reality. We'd love for you to join us in praying for this...

I haven't been sleeping as well the last couple of weeks...I seem to wake up several times at night and have a hard time falling back asleep. In some ways, I've really enjoyed my alone time in the middle of the night, praying for my little girl and fighting for her life...I feel like my prayers and thoughts are consumed with her these days...I don't want to let a day go by where I'm not speaking life and blessing over her sweet little body. Joseph and I have both encountered miraculous healings all across the world - seeing the blind and deaf healed, broken bones set to perfection, etc - and we know that He is capable of healing our little girls heart and mind.

I've been thinking a lot about Joseph's job lately. He is a pastoral counselor, helping heal broken hearts and set captive minds free...we are seeing so much fruit and freedom coming from his ministry (Healing for the Heart)! It's been amazing to watch people transform before our eyes as God brings healing to pain that has been there for years...sometimes their entire lives. The ironic thing is - Joseph is working to heal hearts and minds - and that is the very thing being taken from our little girl, her heart and her mind. Jesus, we pray that you would redeem our little girl's heart and mind and bring freedom to her body. He is so capable and I feel our sweet Sarah is so worthy...I understand at a new level what its like for God to watch us in our pain. If I could take away the pain Sarah is feeling as her mom, I would do so in a heart beat. Watching your child suffer has to be the hardest thing we'll experience in life...I can't imagine how God must grieve as we as the church struggle for life here on earth.

Okay, enough rambling...just thought I'd fill you guys in on a snap shot of my journey with Sarah. I feel so honored and blessed to have been chosen as her mother - I honestly don't deserve a child as special as she is. God is gracious....


Jenelle said...

Jen, you are one beautiful pregnant lady. You are loved.

Jessica said...

Oh, Jen, I love seeing your belly growing and thinking of Sarah so peaceful within you. I, too am praying with you and for you in the middle of the night - God keeps you, Joseph and Sarah on my mind at all hours :) Thank you again for sharing your journey with us. Love ya!

susan said...

Jen and Joseph,
What a privilege it was to pray over the mommy, daddy and baby on Sunday after lunch. He is completing what He started. He is finishing her in your womb.
Know that you are loved.